

    Since its inception in 1963 , the Vidyalaya has grown from a small school in the barracks with a handful of students to a beautiful 16 acre campus with almost 3000 students. The Vidyalaya has classes from Balvatika(Pre-primary) to class 12 with all the three streams in senior secondary Viz. Science, Commerce and Humanities. The Vidyalaya also boasts of a fully qualified faculty numbering almost a 100 and digitally enabled laboratories and class rooms.

    Aligning itself with the vision and mission of KV Sangathan and providing quality education to a diverse populace and equipping the youth with the required life-skills is always a priority at KV ASC. The school provides a joyful learning experiences and a safe environment to its students enabling the students to bring many laurels to their alma mater.

    The KV,ASC alumni are found among the illustrious in all walks of life. Their achievements are a beacon to the current students to expand their horizons and reach for the stars.