
Sr.No. Innovation and Experimentation Class Subject Learning objective initially envisaged Learning objective realised or not Teacher in-charge Designation Download Photo
1 Online Folk Art VIII Arts Mr.Parmanand TGT AE
2 Online Mask Workshop VIII Work Experience Mr.Bharanidharan TGT,WE
3 Clay Modelling VI Arts Education Artistic growth of kids Yes Mr.Parmanand TGT,AE
4 Velcro Magic Project Board VI to XII Electric Wiring & Science Electric Wiring & Science Experiments without tools Yes Mr.T Barnidharan TGT,WE
5 Developing Skills & Competencies X RAS Improvement of learning skills in RAS Yes Dr. Mrs.C Beena TGT,Hindi
6 Dakshini kreedangan II Hindi Late bloomers in particular subject Yes Mrs.Suman Pandey PRT